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Changing Landscapes
- Centre for Strategic Studies in Cultural Environment, Nature and Landscape History
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The first internal seminar for Changing Landscapes,
15th-16th April 1998 at Kongensbro Inn.

The purpose of this first seminar is to further the opportunity of presenting our projects to each other, disccuss various ideas, methods, the collection of data, etc. Another aspect is to develop more possibilities for further cooperation. It is now that the sub-projects need to be attuned in order to avoid duplicating each other. Also, some fine tuning of a sub-project might open up new possibilities of coorperation. On this background the contributions should emphasise ideas and methods as well as any first results of the collection of data.

Wednesday, 15th April 1998
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 The excusion will have short contributions from certain participants. The talks should give a short introduction to the way in which each disciplin 'sees' the present landscape and the contributions will no doubt cause some discussions.
15.00-16.00 Back to the inn and coffee
16.00-18.00 Presentation of sub-projects within Scenarios for the Development of the Cultural Landscape

An Approach to Scenarios - Anreas Höll

The farmer - Land Use - Tommy Dalgaard

GIS-method - Georelated Statistics - Ole Hjort Caspersen

18.00-19.30 Dinner
19.30-21.30 Hans Christian Karsten, National Forest and Nature Agency

'The significance to the landscape of the new plan for the marine environment'

Thursday, 16th April 1998
08.00-09.00 Breakfast
09.00-12.00 Presentation of sub-projects within Cultural History and Environment

The Information Systems of the Cultural Landscape - Henrik Jarl Hansen and Lars Bagge Nielsen

Historical Macro-Scale Relations - Peter Rasmussen

Modern Agriculture and Its Relationship to the Cultural Landscape - Per Grau Møller

Coastal Managment - Poul Holm

The Changing Danish Coastal Heritage - Søren Byskov

12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-14.00 Presentation of sub-projects within Nature Quality in Terrestrial Eco-Systems

A Terrestrial Biotopic Description - Rasmus Ejrnæs

The Influence on Mammal Fauna by the Landscape Structure - Aksel Bo Madsen

14.00-14.30 Coffee
14.30-15.30 Different Aspects of the Management of the Coastal Zone - Jesper Madsen
15.30-16.00 Future seminars and other kinds of coorperation within the centre

Following is a short account of some points of wider interest from the first internal semniar at Changing Landscapes.

Within the programme was an excursion on Wednesday afternoon in the local area of Bjerringbro-Hvorslev. The purpose of the excursion was to give the participants a chance to see for themselves the character of the landscape and listen to short talks at designated places concerning the way in which different disciplins 'use' the landscape. First stop on the trip was at the manor of Ormstrup, where Ole Hjort Caspersen and Tommy Dalgaard related their projects to the present landscape. Per Grau Møller gave a brief outline of the history of the manor and Ulf Näsman accounted for the origins of the settlements from the place-names. On the way to the next stop at Busbjerg we passed a parcelling out to smallholdings from Ormstrup. These houses were much affected by change. From the top of Busbjerg Hill was a fantastic view over Gudenå Riverbed and the agricultural structures within it. Efficient agriculture in a riverbed was discussed and a brief outline of the manor Ulstrup was given. Last stop on the trip was at Vejerslev Church, characterised by the occasional use of 'jernal' interspersed with the more usual building material such as bricks and ashlars. Another interesting feature was a runestone placed by the church.

All contributions to the seminar were received with interest and good questions. Besides more specific questions to the varoius talks, were discussions of a more general character raised in connection with some projects. These issues included terminology and choice of methods for the different scenarios and methodological questions regarding quantitative and qualitative questionaires. 3-D models and their visualisation of the landscape raised questions such as whom the projects were aimed at. The conclusion was that they included both management and other researchers.

Within the programme was also a talk by Hans Christian Karsten, from the National Forest and Nature Agency on 'The Significance to the Landscape of the New Plan for the Marine Environment'. The vivacious address firstly described the political strategy and then the means available to the managment authorities for making the plan take effect. The possible effect on the landscape was also discussed.

During the concluding discussion on future seminars it was decided to have another internal seminar with participation from external lecturers on the 21st-22nd October 1998. A working group was set up - participants are: Esben Munk Sørensen, Aalborg University, Thomas Secher Jensen, Århus University, Jesper Madsen, National Environmental Research Institute, Per Grau Møller, Odense University and Linda Rasmussen, Odense University. The group will decide on the theme and lecturers.

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Last edited by Ken Rasmussen 29/01/2004 , webmaster.